Intermediate and Senior Phase : Grades 4 to 7

The CAPS Life Skills document states the following:

What is Life Skills?

Life Skills deals with the holistic development of the learner throughout childhood. It equips learners with knowledge, skills and values that assist them to achieve their full physical, intellectual, personal, emotional and social potential. The subject encourages learners to acquire and practise life skills that will assist them to become independent and effective in responding to life’s challenges and to play an active and responsible role in society. The subject aims to develop learners through three different, but interrelated study areas, that is, Personal and Social Well-being, Physical Education and Creative Arts.

The CAPS Mathematics document states the following:

What is Mathematics?

Mathematics is a language that makes use of symbols and notations to describe numerical, geometric and graphical relationships. It is a human activity that involves observing, representing and investigating patterns and quantitative relationships in physical and social phenomena and between mathematical objects themselves. It helps to develop mental processes that enhance logical and critical thinking, accuracy and problem-solving that will contribute in decision-making.

Specific Aims

The teaching and learning of Mathematics aims to develop:

• a critical awareness of how mathematical relationships are used in social, environmental, cultural and economic relations;

• confidence and competence to deal with any mathematical situation without being hindered by a fear of Mathematics • a spirit of curiosity and a love for Mathematics

• an appreciation for the beauty and elegance of Mathematics

• recognition that Mathematics is a creative part of human activity

• deep conceptual understanding in order to make sense of Mathematics

• Acquisition of specific knowledge and skills necessary for:

- the application of Mathematics to physical, social and mathematical problems

- the study of related subject matter (e.g. other subjects)

- further study in Mathematics.

The CAPS Natural Sciences and Technology document states the following:

What is Science and Technology?

Science is a systematic way of looking for explanations and connecting the ideas we have. In Science certain methods of inquiry and investigation are generally used. These methods lend themselves to replication and a systematic approach to scientific inquiry that attempts at objectivity. The methods include formulating hypotheses, and designing and carrying out experiments to test the hypotheses. Repeated investigations are undertaken, and the resulting methods and results are carefully examined and debated before they are accepted as valid.

People use the combination of knowledge, skills and available resources to develop solutions that meet their daily needs and wants. Economic and environmental factors and a wide range of attitudes and values need to be taken into account when developing technological solutions. Technology advances as our knowledge and needs expand.

The CAPS Social Sciences document states the following:

What is Social Sciences?

The subject Social Sciences consists of History and Geography. Both History and Geography is taught and assessed during every term of the school year. Although the two disciplines are kept separate, this curriculum is designed to complement the knowledge (content, skills and concepts) outlined in each.

Assessment marks for each subject is shown separately on school reports.

This Social Sciences curriculum aims to provide opportunities for learners to look at their own worlds with fresh, critical eyes and perhaps more importantly, it aims to introduce learners to a world beyond their everyday realities.

Language is an important element of both History and Geography. Different forms of text (oral, written and visual) are central to both disciplines. Learning takes place through interaction with these texts.


The CAPS Home Language document states the following:

The Home Language level provides for language proficiency that reflects the basic interpersonal communication skills required in social situations and the cognitive academic skills essential for learning across the curriculum. Emphasis is placed on the teaching of the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills at this language level. This level provides learners with a literary, aesthetic and imaginative ability that provides them with the ability to recreate, imagine, and empower their understandings of the world they live in. However, the emphasis and the weighting for Listening and Speaking from Grade 7 onwards is lower than those of the reading and writing skills.

Die KABV Eerste Addisionele Taal dokument staat die volgende:

Die Eerste Addisionele Taal-vlak verwys na 'n taal wat nie 'n leerder se moedertaal is nie, maar wat gebruik word vir kommunikatiewe funksies in die gemeenskap, te wete, as medium vir onderrig en leer. Die kurrikulum bied sterk ondersteuning aan leerders wat Eerste Addisionele Taal as die taal vir onderrig en leer gebruik. Teen die einde van Graad 9 sal hierdie leerders daartoe in staat wees om hul huistaal en hul eerste addisionele taal ewe effektief en met selfvertroue vir 'n verskeidenheid doeleindes – wat leer insluit – te gebruik.

Senior Phase

The CAPS Life Orientation document states the following:

What is Life Orientation?

Life Orientation is central to the holistic development of learners. It addresses skills, knowledge and values for the personal, social, intellectual, emotional and physical growth of learners, and is concerned with the way in which these facets are interrelated. Life Orientation guides and prepares learners for life and its possibilities and equips them for meaningful and successful living in a rapidly changing and transforming society.

The focus of Life Orientation is the development of self-in-society. It promotes self-motivation and teaches learners how to apply goal-setting, problem-solving and decision-making strategies. These serve to facilitate individual growth as part of an effort to create a democratic society, a productive economy and an improved quality of life. Learners are guided to develop their full potential and are provided with opportunities to make informed choices regarding personal and environmental health, study opportunities and future careers.

Specific aims

Life Orientation aims to:

1) Guide learners to achieve their full physical, intellectual, personal, emotional and social potential;

2) Develop learners’ skills to respond to challenges and play an active and responsible role in the economy and society;

3) Teach learners to exercise their constitutional rights and responsibilities and to respect the rights of others; LIFE ORIENTATION GRADES 7-9 CAPS 9

4) Guide learners to make informed and responsible decisions about their health, environment, subject choices, further studies and careers; and

5) Provide opportunities for learners to demonstrate an understanding of, and participate in activities that promote movement and physical development.

The CAPS Natural Sciences document states the following:

What is Science?

Science is a systematic way of looking for explanations and connecting the ideas we have. In Science certain methods of inquiry and investigation are generally used. These methods lend themselves to replication and a systematic approach to scientific inquiry that attempts at objectivity.

The CAPS Economic and Management Sciences document states the following:

The subject Economic and Management Sciences deals with the efficient and effective use of different types of private, public or collective resources to satisfy people’s needs and wants. It reflects critically on the impact of resource exploitation on the environment and on people. It also deals with effective management of scarce resources in order to maximise profit.

Economic and Management Sciences is a practical subject that equips learners with real-life skills for personal development and the development of the community. The tasks set contribute to personal development and should promote the idea of sustainable economic growth and the development of the community.

Die KABV Eerste Addisionele Taal dokument staat die volgende:

Die Eerste Addisionele Taalvlak gaan van die standpunt uit dat leerders nie noodwendig enige kennis van die taal het wanneer hulle begin skoolgaan nie. Die fokus tydens die eerste skooljare is op die ontwikkeling van die leerders se vermoë om die taal te verstaan en te praat. In die Intermediêre en Senior Fases gaan leerders voort om hul luister-, praat-, lees- en skryfvaardighede te verbeter. In hierdie stadium kry leerders meer blootstelling aan hul Eerste Addisionele Taal (Afrikaans). Leerders word meer blootgestel aan Afrikaanse literêre tekste om hulle estetiese en verbeeldingsvermoë in die addisionele taal te ontwikkel.

Teen die tyd dat leerders in die Senior Fase kom, behoort hulle redelik bedrewe in hul Eerste Addisionele Taal te wees ten opsigte van sowel interpersoonlike as kognitiewe akademiese vaardighede. In werklikheid kan baie leerders in hierdie stadium egter steeds nie goed in hul addisionele taal kommunikeer nie. Die uitdaging in die Senior Fase is dus om hierdie leerders te ondersteun en om terselfdertyd Å? kurrikulum te voorsien wat leerders in staat stel om aan die vereiste standaard van die volgende Fase te voldoen. Hierdie standaarde moet sodanig wees dat leerders hul addisionele taal op ’n hoë vlak kan gebruik om hulle voor te berei vir verdere of hoër onderwys of vir die wêreld van werk. Dit word dus aanbeveel dat, waar moontlik, die leerders in die Senior Fase in dieselfde tweeweeklikse siklus aan dieselfde konsepte in beide taalvlakke blootgestel word.